Noxyde/Alkythane 7500/Elastaseal Z Case Study
Shields Coatings – Specialists in cladding, industrial floor coating, flat roof, roof-light, gutter and fascia refurbishment. Shields Coatings are a team of experienced professionals who will take care of all of your coating needs, to aid the longevity of your commercial space. They provide a top-quality, affordable and reliable level of service.
With a Head Office in South Shields they cover all surrounding areas though also offer their services on a nationwide basis depending on exact locations and the scale of works to be undertaken.
With a 9000m² multi-use, multi-let building in need a of major refurbishment the task was to carry out the project with minimal disruption and disturbance to the tenants who were all still trading.
The building was in a very rusty condition which therefore needed removal prior to application of the protective coatings. It was also essential to avoid damage to any nearby property whilst applying the coatings. The end client was also looking for a product that came with a 15 year warranty.

Due to the multi-occupancy of the units it was impossible to fit internal safety-nets therefore roof light covers were fitted by Shields to ensure full health and safety criteria was achieved prior to commencement of the project.
The rust was then removed by means of mobile sanding units, once this was completed Shields applied a fine mist holding coat of Rustoleum Mathys Noxyde in English Red to ensure that the area was protected from the elements before the actual protective coats were applied.
The roof then received two full coats of Noxyde in contrasting colours. This helps in the application process, as a visual aid, but also ensures the roof receives the correct thickness required for the warranty. Due to nearby vehicular traffic the dry-fall feature of Noxyde made it an obvious choice.
The roller-shutter doors and trims duly received coatings of Alkythane 7500 to achieve a professional permanent top-coat finish, whilst the gutter-line was coated using TOR Elastaseal system to deliver a breathable, seamless finish that’s both waterproof and heat-resistant too.
The end client duly received their 15 year warranty of work with the unit looking like new again. All work completed with next to zero disturbance for the tenants and with no damage to any neighbouring vehicles or property.
Client Testimonial:
“The level of support that we received from New Guard Coatings on not only this project but for every project we undertake, has always been brilliant.
Whenever we contact New Guard Coatings we know that they are always there to help and support us. From our early days when we were a new company, New Guard supported us incredibly. We have so much to thank them for, without their support I’m confident that we wouldn’t have become the sector specialists that we are today.”
Visit our friends at Shields Coatings here https://www.shieldscoatings.com/