Industrial Paint Supplies (Hull) – New Premises
Exciting times at our company Industrial Paint Supplies (Hull) Ltd. as we commence with the building work prior to ‘the big move’ from our current site on Lincoln Street to our new premises on Hedon Road, Hull.
This is a huge development for both IPS Hull and the whole New Guard Coatings Group, the new premises covers 8,000 sq. ft. and will allow us to increase our stock holding by more than five times current levels! The new building will house four tinting machines ensuring you get the product exactly as you want, when you want it.
Reduced waiting times means improved response times ensuring happy, active clients. Part of the building development will also include ‘state of the art’ technical and training facilities. The New Guard Coatings Group is focused on ‘support, not sale’ if we can help you grow and develop your business we are happy.
Keep watching as our site develops over the coming weeks, we’re only just into 2019 and it’s exciting already!
You can visit the Industrial Paint Supplies website at http://www.ipshull.co.uk